What You Should Know About Living In An Apartment With Dogs | And What You Should Avoid!
Living in a small city apartment can be challenging for a variety of reasons. For starters, limited storage space necessitates either fewer possessions or some pretty creative thinking. Furthermore, hosting get-togethers in a space where only a few people can comfortably linger around is tough.
When you add a dog to the mix, though, small-apartment life becomes much more difficult. Many dogs, big and little, are happy and healthy in apartments, but their owners must take steps every day to keep them happy and healthy.
The size and energy level of a dog can be problematic for owners who live in tiny places, but this does not rule out the possibility of growing a dog there. So, whether you’re sharing a small space with your dog or thinking about adopting a dog while living in a studio or one-bedroom apartment, here are some helpful hints to make apartment living with your dog a reality.
Things You Should Do While Living with a Dog in an Apartment
Exercise Them Often
Dogs need exercise to be healthy. A lack of exercise can cause obesity and other health problems for dogs.
Dogs need time outside to relieve their boredom and anxiety from being cooped up inside all day.
If you live in an apartment, it can be difficult to get your dog out for exercise because of space issues and other things like loud noises from neighbors and people walking by on the street, etc. There are ways around these situations, however.
Dogs are living, breathing creatures. They need exercise and stimulation to be happy, healthy, and well-behaved.
Keep a Tidy Apartment
When you live with a dog, your apartment becomes his home. He is not going away and you have to make it comfortable for him. The dog is a member of your family and you should treat him like one.
You should keep your apartment tidy when you are living with a dog in your apartment.
You need to take care of the things that can be damaged by your dog. For example, if your dog has long claws, he might scratch the furniture or walls while walking around the room. You should buy some nail caps to prevent this from happening and protect your furniture from being ruined by your pet’s claws.
Organize Your Pup’s Toys
Many toys can be used for your pup to play with. You will find various types of toys for dogs and puppies, such as balls and frisbees, stuffed animals, rawhide chews, and many more. These toys come in different sizes and colors so that every dog can find one that he or she likes best. But if you have a lot of toys lying around the house, then it might get very confusing for your pet dog when playing with them. The best way to keep your pet entertained while keeping yourself organized is by using a toy box or bin where all their favorite things are kept together in one place.
Here are some tips for organizing your pup’s toys:
1. Purge your dog’s toy box regularly. You don’t need to keep every toy he’s ever had, just the ones he loves now and will play with often in the future.
2. If you have multiple dogs, don’t put all their toys in one place so they get mixed up or lost in the shuffle. Keep each dog’s toys separate from each other, so they know which are theirs and can find them easily when they want to play with them alone or with their siblings or friends from doggy daycare or boarding kennel.
3. Use a lidded basket or bin large enough to hold all of your pup’s favorite toys at once, such as Kongs stuffed with liver treats, squeaky toys, plush animals, and hard rubber balls that bounce well when thrown against walls or floors (you may want more than one basket if you have more than one type of toy).
Keep Food and Snacks Sealed
Keeping Food and Snacks Sealed is very important when you are living with a dog in an apartment.
If you have a dog, then you know how messy and annoying they can be. But that’s not the worst part. The worse part is when they eat something they shouldn’t eat and then start throwing up all over your house. That’s why it’s important to keep food and snacks sealed in your apartment and away from them.
Here are some tips to keep your food safe from your dog:
1. Keep all of your food in airtight containers or ziplock bags so that it doesn’t get damaged or broken by dogs chewing on them
2. Keep all of your snacks out of reach from dogs by storing them up high on shelves or inside cabinets where dogs can’t reach them
3. Store your trash bins in areas where the dog cannot access them so that they won’t be tempted to try and get into them
4. If possible, give your dog treats that aren’t human-grade such as dog biscuits which can easily be found at most pet stores or even grocery stores.
Crate Training Your Dog
Make sure you have a crate or a kennel for your dog. This is important so that you can leave them somewhere safe while you are out of the house or sleeping at night. You also want to make sure that the crate is large enough so that they can stand up, turn around, and lay down comfortably. If it isn’t big enough, this can lead to behavior problems such as chewing or barking too much because they are bored or stressed out. There are many different types of crates available on the market today – come with wheels and handles so that you can easily move them around as needed! A good option if you have limited space has dividers so that you can adjust the size depending on how many dogs will be using it at any given time.
What Not To Do If You Live in an Apartment with Dogs
Apartment living can be tough. Between loud neighbors and the smell of burning trash, sometimes it’s hard to enjoy your own home.
Leave windows open. The reason is simple: Dogs are scavengers by nature, and they love to eat things they find outside. A lot of the things they find are disgusting (and sometimes dangerous), but they don’t know that until they’ve tried it once — and then it’s too late.
It doesn’t take much for a dog to get into trouble by eating something gross or toxic.
Leave your puppy in the apartment for long periods when they’re still young and adjusting. Your pup is still adjusting to its new home and family. You need to consider a few things before taking them out for a walk or run.
Don’t leave your puppy in the apartment for long periods when they’re still young and adjusting
They will get bored easily, which can lead to destructive behavior.
Puppies need to go outside often, so if they spend too much time in the apartment they will start having accidents inside. And let’s face it — nobody wants their furniture covered in pee stains!
Leaving a puppy alone for hours at a time can also cause separation anxiety and other stress-related issues such as chewing, excessive barking or whining, etc. These behaviors can become habitual if not addressed early on in life (which makes them difficult to break later).
Do not let your dog make the rules. Don’t let your dog make the rules when you are living with your dog in an apartment. This is especially important if he is going to be confined inside for long periods (like overnight) or if there is going to be someone home all day who doesn’t want to interact with him much (like small children). Don’t let him dictate when he gets walked or fed; do those things on a regular schedule and stick to it so that he doesn’t think he can force one of these things on his terms. And don’t let him dictate where he sleeps — keeps him in his crate at night. This is an important part of training your dog on how to behave around people and other animals.
We’d love to show you 5 tips for keeping a dog in the apartment! Click watch: